The Antichrist Revealed

The Antichrist Revealed

Please answer the questions below:
Major Clue #1
The word "antichrist" actually means one who will *
(Please Note: If you are unsure how to answer this question, please review the article entitled: Meaning of Antichrist.)
Major Clue #2
In Daniel chapter 7, the Antichrist is symbolized by a "little horn" with the "eyes" and "mouth of a man" and in Revelation 13 the antichrist is pictured as a multi-headed leopard-like "beast."
In Bible Prophecy a "beast" and "horn" are symbols of *
This means the Antichrist must be a *
(Please Note: If you are unsure how to answer this question, please review the article entitled: Beasts and Horns.)
Major Clue #3
In Daniel 7:8 the words "among them" refer to the fact that the antichrist will arise from *
(Please Note: If you are unsure how to answer this question, please review the article entitled: Rise of Antichrist.)
Major Clue #4
Prior to it's "deadly wound" the "ministry" of the antichrist would continue for *
(Please Note: If you are unsure how to answer this question, please review the article entitled: Actions of the Antichrist.)
Major Clue #5
The Bible teaches that many of God's true followers have been deceived by the antichrist and as a result are in association with the antichrist.
What is God's special warning message to these people who He dearly loves? *
(Please Note: If you are unsure how to answer this question, please review the article entitled: Future of Antichrist.)